Every year, I usually dump all of the stuff in my closet on my bedroom floor. And then begins the tedious process of yes or no. Will I wear this in the next months, next weeks, next days? If the answer is no, I throw it to the to-be-disposed-of pile. If the answer yes, I fold it neatly and plop it onto the my-current-wardrobe pile.
For two years now, I haven't been doing this so my closet is now bursting with clothes (mostly black haha) that I don't even wear anymore.
My friends Niña and Lani had a rummage sale yesterday at Niña's house but I wasn't able to join them. I didn't get my stuff together and had no way to go all the way to Antipolo. Hehe. This morning, I decided to round up some of my clothes and maybe, if Ziggie is willing to let me hitch with him, I just might be able to get rid of these clothes.
And if not, I will dump everything on my bedroom floor and proceed to do my annual ritual of deciding whether or not my closet will stay this way—a terrible mess—or become a nice organized pile of stuff that I actually wear.
I love Friday mornings. I'm always in a rush. Rushing to finish editing a video in time for sending out my weekly newsletter. Or rushing to edit an ad for a client so it can be included in the newsletter.
But the moment I've finally sent the newsletter, it feels like a period to my work week.
And I can watch videos like this (thanks, Jen!):
And I can surf a bit and not worry too much about stuff piling up for me to do.
And I can take a break and not be rushed.
And finally, to quote the Black Eyed Peas, look out weekend `cause, here I come.
But the moment I've finally sent the newsletter, it feels like a period to my work week.
And I can watch videos like this (thanks, Jen!):
And I can surf a bit and not worry too much about stuff piling up for me to do.
And I can take a break and not be rushed.
And finally, to quote the Black Eyed Peas, look out weekend `cause, here I come.
Lazy Sundays
Sitting in the garage this afternoon, it was a nice change from the weekends I've been having the past couple of months. Although I enjoy spending time with my friends, going on our adventures, I also kind of miss the lazy Sunday afternoons I spend with my relatives. We spend all of ASAP until The Buzz sitting on our butts and stuffing ourselves silly. Haha! My lola makes all these side comments about the actors who are on TV. After five seconds, she'll repeat her comments. d:
Today, my mom made turbo chicken, salpicao, and picadillo. I took pictures of Triz, my not-so-little cousin, with my supersampler and my digicam. Enjoyed the (slow) internet connection in our garage. Pigged out on mini-pancakes with peanut butter and Nutella. The perfect lazy Sunday.
I actually stayed in the garage up until five minutes ago when I got attacked by mosquitoes. Eurgh.
Today will be tomorrow's yesterday
Some people believe that without history, our lives amount to nothing. At some point, we all have to choose. Do we fall back on what we know or do we step forward to something new? It's hard not to be haunted by our past. Our history is what shapes us, what guides us. Our history resurfaces time after time, after time. So we have to remember, sometimes the most important history is the history we're making today. — Time After Time, Grey's Anatomy
I might not like Meredith very much, but I love her voice-overs.
There are some things that I try to forget, or at least keep myself from remembering. If I do it long enough, I think that it'll just go away on its own. But after some time, I realize that it doesn't exactly happen that way. I just kind of wish that it did.
What matters is that today, I'm okay. And tomorrow, I'll try to be better.
Don't be selfish
A few weeks ago, I was in some sort of "trouble" at work. I was mad and I wanted certain things to happen to certain people. Obviously, those things never happened.
But early this week, I was told that something was done about it and I guess it doesn't feel so unfair anymore. I've decided to just put it behind me and remember to watch what I say and who I say it to. Definitely not people who like to twist stories and write about it.
I was really disappointed because this person was probably ten years older than me and older usually meant wiser. Apparently not. I guess there are just things that you expect of people and it doesn't turn out that way. Maybe because these people don't have the same values as you do. Or maybe they don't take things as seriously as you do. They don't care about trust. Or don't care about other people in general. All they care about is what they want.
On a totally unrelated note, people seem to be searching for the "Pob" a lot these days. At least that's what my tracker tells me. I saw Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn" on MTV earlier this week. Something tells me I'm going to get a hair cut again. Haha! I waaaant!
But early this week, I was told that something was done about it and I guess it doesn't feel so unfair anymore. I've decided to just put it behind me and remember to watch what I say and who I say it to. Definitely not people who like to twist stories and write about it.
I was really disappointed because this person was probably ten years older than me and older usually meant wiser. Apparently not. I guess there are just things that you expect of people and it doesn't turn out that way. Maybe because these people don't have the same values as you do. Or maybe they don't take things as seriously as you do. They don't care about trust. Or don't care about other people in general. All they care about is what they want.
On a totally unrelated note, people seem to be searching for the "Pob" a lot these days. At least that's what my tracker tells me. I saw Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn" on MTV earlier this week. Something tells me I'm going to get a hair cut again. Haha! I waaaant!


♥ having my Daddy bring me to work
♥ having ice cream with good friends
♥ getting a cheque for something you've written
♥ getting assigned to do another article
♥ a bubblegum float and large fries
♥ a complimentary copy of Grateful
♥ re-connecting with old friends
♥ looking at photo albums (maybe not the actual physical ones, but the feeling is just the same)
♥ listening to music and forgetting about the rest of the world
Five-Minute Break
It's funny when you're the interviewer and you're the one who's nervous. Hahaha! Interviewed the first set today for an assistant position. Another round tomorrow. I wish I had the magical gift of discernment so I know whoever I'm picking is the right one for the job.
I'm hoping we find someone who's going to be efficient and enthusiastic about the job. I ♥ Candy. And it would be super if I had someone to work with so we can make it kick ass some more. :P
In other sorta-but-not-really related news, I've been moderating photos all day. I'm nowhere near done. Yeargh. At least I managed to blog today.
Now.. lemme get back to approving.
I'm hoping we find someone who's going to be efficient and enthusiastic about the job. I ♥ Candy. And it would be super if I had someone to work with so we can make it kick ass some more. :P
In other sorta-but-not-really related news, I've been moderating photos all day. I'm nowhere near done. Yeargh. At least I managed to blog today.
Now.. lemme get back to approving.
I really do ♥ this man.
"Life is but a dream. There are no rules, only loves and fears. No one knows just why we are here and what the point is but we have figured out so far that it’s based on having experiences. We all get to have a wonderful time, even if it is limited, to dance and play out here on the surface on the earth, on the side of the rock, and thankfully we’re not sliding down to some bottom or being flung off the side of it as it spins and do-si-do’s around the galaxy. When was the last time you sat and thanked gravity for the rain or skydiving? The wonderful time is obviously introduced in so many different ways across the plains. Our parents and theirs before them set into motion where you would dance and how you might do it. From early on we became conditioned beings.
But we are water and light and that is all. This is why the dawn of spring moves us so. Flowers are nothing but water and light. Our food is solely water and light, granted you don’t eat processed food in shiny and noisy packages. According to the human genome, everyone on this planet is 99.9% identical. Only the slightest variation in our genes makes us appear different. We even rock the same chemical happenings in us as a banana. So even more specific, consider yourself in the tribe of the living the next time someone asks what you are or where you’re from. Using a town name or a race description is entirely political and is no longer needed. You are light.
So when you’re out there this new season, making connections, sending love, experiencing rejection as well as romance, look to others with your light and welcoming gratitude and appreciation, and see them as doing the best they can with the light they’ve got. And maybe toss out a smile."—Jason Mraz
I just wanna be on the beach (sunburn!)
I was on the beach for four days and I can't wait to go back. The first three pictures I posted here were taken on our second day when we went on a mini-tour around Pagudpud. First picture was taken in front of Kaibigan Falls. The one next to it was taken where the freshwater (from the mountains) meets saltwater (from the beach). Awesome. The third picture was taken in the restaurant in Kapuluan (near the Blue Lagoon dubbed as Boracay of the North) where we had lunch. I lucked out there because my friends didn't like their food. Niña and I had the ol' reliable chicken pork adobo. The last picture is of me and Lani jumping on the beach right before we left for the airport.
It was a much needed break and even if we spent more than we intended to (although I still have money left over from what I withdrew last Tuesday), it was fun overall. I wish more of my high school girls could've gone but I guess Niña and Lani will be my forever buddies. Never mind that I'll always have to be the fifth wheel. (;
Until the next trip! More pictures in my Multiply—to be published soon. I'm not done uploading and captioning over 300 (THIS IS SPAAAARTAAA! Okay, useless reference since I haven't watched that yet. Haha!) photos. Eep! We got a little too snap-happy when we were at the terminal waiting for the plane going back to Manila. Yay for color swap and color accent. I loff my Canon!
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