I hate to be bandwagon-y at the risk of sounding like a poser, but tonight, I will be on a date with three of my favorite boys to witness a grand reunion of sorts.
I am not a big Eraserheads fanatic. I don't think I even own an album. I just remember a cassette tape of my brother's, white and silver, and Christmas-y. I'm sure I know a lot of songs (probably not as much as the real fans) and will probably get to sing along. d:
For most of my life, I've been made aware (sometimes by choice, and other times by "no choice," haha) of music and bands and all of the things that are filed under those words.And just like you, I have my own "Eheads story" to tell. d:
I remember answering the phone one night. The voice on the other line asked for my Kuya and when I asked who was calling, he said, "Si Raims." I would then find out that it was Raimund Marasigan of Eraserheads. I was in college then, I think. And I was starstruck. Hahaha! Boses pa lang yon, ha. I totally blogged about it somewhere. :))
When my brother was formally included in the <S>andwich lineup, the members would often be at our house. Imagine my horror when I met them in my ratty old duster, complete with holes at the shoulder. Grabe. Hahaha! I was thrilled (kahit medyo dyahe to say the least.
I've learned not to get starstruck by them anymore. Haha, I also couldn't care less if they saw me in my pantulog. I guess they are now the family's friends by association. I remember that one of the first people who were at our side during A Major Hump we had to go through were Myrene and Raimund. And even if I've never told them, I appreciate them for that.
I've only met one of them, but I'm going to watch all four tonight at one of the most anticipated concerts by fans of all ages.
Tonight, I'm not just going as a big fan of music, but also as a big fan of family. (:
how to have a fantastic week
- Begin with a holiday.
- Eat random junk food for merienda with friends. (Read: Cheesecake, Oishi prawn crackers, Salt and Vinegar chips, sugar-free mamon, and flavored polvoron.)
- Bake a Cookie Cake for a friend who's starting her journey in another country.
- Have a heart attack-inducing dinner (sisig, crispy pata, inihaw na pusit, and lots of garlic rice...mmm!) then go dance to (obscure) 80s and 90s songs. Woohoo!
- Look through this fantastic cookbook sent by your relatives while having a breakfast of caramelized Spam, scrambled eggs, and garlic rice.
- Wear a dress and gingham wedges to make up for not getting enough sleep. Haha!
- Celebrate Michael Jackson's 50th birthday!
The week's not even over yet. Despite A Big Move happening in my family's life, I'm still finding ways to cheer myself up. Everything's gonna get lighter, even if it never gets better.
Life in bullets
♥ Getting Macy's Fields orders. Yay!
♥ Yet another packed week at work—I really, really wish we could slow down. even for just ONE week.
♥ One of my good friends from high school is back in Manila for a couple of days. Spending a few hours with her and some friends was so much fun. I hope I get to see her again before she goes back to Singapore.
♥ I'm just a little girl lost in the moment. An awesome video and a really cute song.
♥ Everybody's speaking in words I don't understand. I love covers!
♥ It's my brother's birthday today. To say he is the most awesome big brother is an understatement. I got him the coolest cupcakes ever. His very first electric guitar on top of chocolate cupcakes. (:
♥ Talking about past mistakes (hahahaha) with friends and knowing that you're not alone—some people have made the same mistakes. And you both only hope that you don't make the same ones again. d:
♥ Surf trip two weeks from now. I'm scared to death, but I figure life is too short to be afraid all the time. And I'm going with my superduper nice boss. Haha!
♥ I locked my cabinet's key inside my cabinet at work. Sigh. I think it was hunger and sleepiness that made me do such a stupid thing. After twenty minutes, we figured out how to get my bag out (with the key inside). We've also concluded that those locked cabinets aren't good for anything! NYA!
♥ Stayed up `til 2am to watch very loud bands inside a very cold place. Brr. I am never doing it again. Or so I hope.
♥ A big move happening soon.
♥ I don't want to be adult, but I have to be.
♥ Yet another packed week at work—I really, really wish we could slow down. even for just ONE week.
♥ One of my good friends from high school is back in Manila for a couple of days. Spending a few hours with her and some friends was so much fun. I hope I get to see her again before she goes back to Singapore.
♥ I'm just a little girl lost in the moment. An awesome video and a really cute song.
♥ Everybody's speaking in words I don't understand. I love covers!
♥ It's my brother's birthday today. To say he is the most awesome big brother is an understatement. I got him the coolest cupcakes ever. His very first electric guitar on top of chocolate cupcakes. (:
♥ Talking about past mistakes (hahahaha) with friends and knowing that you're not alone—some people have made the same mistakes. And you both only hope that you don't make the same ones again. d:
♥ Surf trip two weeks from now. I'm scared to death, but I figure life is too short to be afraid all the time. And I'm going with my superduper nice boss. Haha!
♥ I locked my cabinet's key inside my cabinet at work. Sigh. I think it was hunger and sleepiness that made me do such a stupid thing. After twenty minutes, we figured out how to get my bag out (with the key inside). We've also concluded that those locked cabinets aren't good for anything! NYA!
♥ Stayed up `til 2am to watch very loud bands inside a very cold place. Brr. I am never doing it again. Or so I hope.
♥ A big move happening soon.
♥ I don't want to be adult, but I have to be.
posted at
9:31 AM
life update,
macy's fields,

nicked off Jill and Mika
Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test...
Woody Allen
Be prepared to have your life story shot entirely in New York City -- though lately Woody's been loving shooting in London. Also, your music soundtrack is all jazz from before 1949. Filmography: Annie Hall, Manhattan, Stardust Memories, Everyone Says I Love You, Match Point, Scoop, etc. Woody has released one film per year consistently for the past 35 years. For the past 15 years he's been trying to make films like his older, funnier ones, just like characters in his Stardust Memories film suggest throughout. Regardless of his personal life, his films are American classics.
What else can I say?
I forgot to post one of our bloggers' entry yesterday so it was only this morning that I read it. It was about this singer she found on YouTube. Naturally, I watched the video and completely fell in love! I'm a big fan of neo soul and singers like India Arie and Julianne. It was no surprise that I like Melissa Polinar.
This is an awesome song and I hope to sing it to somebody... someday. d: (Yuck, cheesyyy!)
This is an awesome song and I hope to sing it to somebody... someday. d: (Yuck, cheesyyy!)
You are the one for me
After all the waiting I can finally breathe
Earth and sky say what they may
I will love you all throughout my days
Happiness happens when our hearts combine
When it's you I'm with I come alive
It's just so clear to see
Darling, we are meant to be
While waiting for my files to get transferred to the external harddrive (aka after 10 years)...
When did you start dancing?: My first memory of dancing was my mom "teaching" me ballet in our backyard in Marikina. Ha ha! Yes, it took years and several pictures for me to realize that no, those were not real ballet lessons. It was me and my mom. In our backyard. In leotards and tights—pink and red!
When did you sign up for your first dance class?: Very first class? I'm not really sure, but probably the first real dance class I attended (and paid for) was the one in Powerdance back in college (summer after Freshman year). I wanted so badly to get into UP Street. Heh.
What genre was it?: Street/Hiphop and Jazz.
What type of dance do you do now?: Street/Hiphop and I sometimes attempt (operative word being ATTEMPT) jazz funk/funk fusion.
Do you dance on a team?: Well, kind of.
What's the team's name?: UP StreetDance Club in college (I miss!) and the S----- Cru (hahahaha) at work. d:
Where do you usually perform?: My first ever performance for UP Street was at the Cersa Open House in Ateneo. Oh God. The one where we stood motionless for 10 seconds. Ahhhh! O:
How often do you perform?: My last performance was three years ago?
Have you ever been on TV for dance?: Nope.
Have you ever been in the paper for dance?: I think we got featured in a magazine before for a concert.
Have you ever had to compete or do a show with cheerleaders?: I was part of UP Street's Elevate compet team for two years—one of which we won first place (the following year, we lost to UP Filipiniana?).
Have you ever had to dance to Jock Jams?: Is this a cheerleader thing? The one with sound effects? If yes, then, yes.
What was the last song you performed/competed to?: Last performed to was "Hotline" and "Wait a Minute" at my last UP Street concert. ):
What was your last costume?: I forget what it was called but I was in orange and green. Nya.
What is your current performance song?: Not really a performance song, but we were learning the Switch and Sinden remix of Santogold's "You'll Find A Way" two weeks ago in dance class.
How often a week do you dance?: Sigh, not often enough.
Do you choreograph?: No, hehe.
What are you favorite dance movies?: But there are so many! Haha! Save the Last Dance, Step Up 1 and 2, You Got Served, Honey, Bring It On
Has anyone wanted to date you just because you're a dancer?: Haha parang no. They usually find out after and are very much surprised. :))
Do you have makeup people for your shows?: No, haha! We do our own makeup in UP Street.
What hip hop/pop singer is your dance style closest to?: Eh? I don't know.
Do you want to dance professionally?: No. (:
What do your friends/family think of your dancing?: My mom used to hate the training and rehearsals. I'd always get home late.
What move/moves are you worst at?: Stunts. Nya.
What move/moves are you best at?: Yung tamang mga pa-cute lang. Hahaha! Kidding. I'm really not sure.
Are dancers stereotyped?: Such as?
Is dancing a sport?: I never really considered it to be, but it should be!
If you could dance at any event what would it be?: Backup for Justin Timberlake. Ahhhhh.
Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph?: Hahaha, not for dancing, though. d:
Did you inherit your dance talent?: My mom loved ballroom dancing, so I'm guessing the dancing gene is from her. d:
And my files still haven't finished transferring. Hay!
When did you sign up for your first dance class?: Very first class? I'm not really sure, but probably the first real dance class I attended (and paid for) was the one in Powerdance back in college (summer after Freshman year). I wanted so badly to get into UP Street. Heh.
What genre was it?: Street/Hiphop and Jazz.
What type of dance do you do now?: Street/Hiphop and I sometimes attempt (operative word being ATTEMPT) jazz funk/funk fusion.
Do you dance on a team?: Well, kind of.
What's the team's name?: UP StreetDance Club in college (I miss!) and the S----- Cru (hahahaha) at work. d:
Where do you usually perform?: My first ever performance for UP Street was at the Cersa Open House in Ateneo. Oh God. The one where we stood motionless for 10 seconds. Ahhhh! O:
How often do you perform?: My last performance was three years ago?
Have you ever been on TV for dance?: Nope.
Have you ever been in the paper for dance?: I think we got featured in a magazine before for a concert.
Have you ever had to compete or do a show with cheerleaders?: I was part of UP Street's Elevate compet team for two years—one of which we won first place (the following year, we lost to UP Filipiniana?).
Have you ever had to dance to Jock Jams?: Is this a cheerleader thing? The one with sound effects? If yes, then, yes.
What was the last song you performed/competed to?: Last performed to was "Hotline" and "Wait a Minute" at my last UP Street concert. ):
What was your last costume?: I forget what it was called but I was in orange and green. Nya.
What is your current performance song?: Not really a performance song, but we were learning the Switch and Sinden remix of Santogold's "You'll Find A Way" two weeks ago in dance class.
How often a week do you dance?: Sigh, not often enough.
Do you choreograph?: No, hehe.
What are you favorite dance movies?: But there are so many! Haha! Save the Last Dance, Step Up 1 and 2, You Got Served, Honey, Bring It On
Has anyone wanted to date you just because you're a dancer?: Haha parang no. They usually find out after and are very much surprised. :))
Do you have makeup people for your shows?: No, haha! We do our own makeup in UP Street.
What hip hop/pop singer is your dance style closest to?: Eh? I don't know.
Do you want to dance professionally?: No. (:
What do your friends/family think of your dancing?: My mom used to hate the training and rehearsals. I'd always get home late.
What move/moves are you worst at?: Stunts. Nya.
What move/moves are you best at?: Yung tamang mga pa-cute lang. Hahaha! Kidding. I'm really not sure.
Are dancers stereotyped?: Such as?
Is dancing a sport?: I never really considered it to be, but it should be!
If you could dance at any event what would it be?: Backup for Justin Timberlake. Ahhhhh.
Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph?: Hahaha, not for dancing, though. d:
Did you inherit your dance talent?: My mom loved ballroom dancing, so I'm guessing the dancing gene is from her. d:
And my files still haven't finished transferring. Hay!
Message from Ate Elena at 6:02pm: "Gud nun po! Eto n ata ung mixer n mtgal m n hinihintay! xcited c dady m malaman m kya pinatxt ka nya"
Simultaneous YM messages from Nior and Manu: "guess who has a package downstairs? hahaha" and "dumating na mixer mo"
OH MY GOD. Ito na ang pinakahihintay kong araw.
At shempre, dahil ang swerte ko, may event ako tonight and I'm not going home `til late tonight. HAHAHA!
But I. AM. SO. EXCITED to go hooooooooome.
Simultaneous YM messages from Nior and Manu: "guess who has a package downstairs? hahaha" and "dumating na mixer mo"
OH MY GOD. Ito na ang pinakahihintay kong araw.
At shempre, dahil ang swerte ko, may event ako tonight and I'm not going home `til late tonight. HAHAHA!
But I. AM. SO. EXCITED to go hooooooooome.
Happiness is...
Maybe I should stop saying I'm feeling better, because it kind of jinxes my recovery. So, yeah.
I will just list a few things that could possibly make me feel better (not saying that I'm already better, okay? *shakes fist at the universe*), because you know, I could still be in a hoodie, shivering and sniffling. But I'll leave that up to your imagination.
Oh, I can tell this is going to be a good day despite the storm brewing outside. (:
I will just list a few things that could possibly make me feel better (not saying that I'm already better, okay? *shakes fist at the universe*), because you know, I could still be in a hoodie, shivering and sniffling. But I'll leave that up to your imagination.
- My sweet officemates being silly, making me a fan page on Facebook. Become a fan here! I don't even have a Facebook account so I don't know exactly how it works. I want to add pictures and everything, but I don't own the page (like I do Candy's). So indulge me.
- Santogold by Santogold. Ever since we danced to Switch and Sinden's remix of "You'll Find A Way," I've been listening to her album. It's awesome! I should've looked her up ever since I spotted her on the cover of my brother's Fader magazine a few weeks ago.
- My daddy. Ever the comedian, we spent the entire ride home trying to understand his kwento, with matching sound effects. As in, "Vroom, vroom!" Hahaha! My goodness, we were in stitches! Also notable was the chicken teriyaki-stuffed fried bread (whatever you call it) from Ministop that he bought for me for the ride home. Aww. I told you my dad is the sweetest boy alive! Never mind that the oil in that thing made my head throb all night.
- A new computer! Well, in the office at least. I wasn't even there when they set it up, but woohoo! Can you imagine how excited I am to come to work on Monday? Yeahhh. (Also, we got our report cards yesterday and I'm happy with mine. d:)
- My brother's in Malaysia truly Asia! Chicosci is this year's Philippines Favorite Artist at the MTV Asia Awards. Woot! He brought my camera so I'm gonna get first dibs on those backstage pics (not to mention the after party's! Woohoo!).
- My "Don't Walk, Just Dance" play list that makes me want to bust a move. Because sometimes, I don't want to listen to a gloomy, rainy play list on a... gloomy, rainy day.
- Bacon drowning in maple syrup—my favoritest breakfast food EVER. And I am glad to report my taste buds are no longer MIA. Hoo-ray.
- Lipton's Green Tea Citrus. Tastes like Grapefruit and Orange. Never thought I'd say this, but I love it! I downed 3 mugs in the office yesterday. Mmm.
- Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist's trailer! Michael Cera is ♥. I can't wait to see this movie. I strongly urge you to grab the book and read it. Like, now.
- The bad first: I woke up at 2:30 in the morning today. Shyeah. I don't know why, either. I tried my best to go back to sleep but after tossing and turning in between a rerun of Late Night with David Letterman and Beauty and the Geek, I gave up and went to my dad, who I assumed was already up. We sat through a screening of Radio Romance on Cinema One. HAHAHA! Laugh trip. How can that not make you feel better? :)) Hello, Claudine Barretto pre-eyebrow plucking, Rico Yan, Jolina in her colorful days, and so on. :))
Oh, I can tell this is going to be a good day despite the storm brewing outside. (:
I ain't missing you at aaaaaaaall!!!
Feeling infinitely better than yesterday. Nothing like hours of deep sleep, warm chicken soup, pitchers of water, and boxes of tissue can't fix.
Lots of gratitude to my angels in the office who donated tea, medicine, and saved me a walk to the convenience store. You're all heaven-sent.
At dahil, in-infect ako ni Mika (GOSSAAAAA!), kayo din, bibiktimahin ko. But with a different version, hahaha!
Kung feel niyo malabuan dun sa original na video, here you go.
Lots of gratitude to my angels in the office who donated tea, medicine, and saved me a walk to the convenience store. You're all heaven-sent.
At dahil, in-infect ako ni Mika (GOSSAAAAA!), kayo din, bibiktimahin ko. But with a different version, hahaha!
Kung feel niyo malabuan dun sa original na video, here you go.
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