The day Binky got home, we caught each other online and I told her that it seemed so fast. She asked, her stay here or her trip back home? I said, both. She was here for almost a month and it still felt like such a short time. Lani and I were planning to go to the States this March, but I don't think it's financially possible. For me, at least. So we've decided to push it back another year. More time to save and hopefully, more people will come, too!
I can't believe we're even thinking of going out of the country! Just a few years ago, it was a big deal asking permission for trips out of town. Ew, we're really getting old, guys. :P
In other news, I saw old pictures of me with long hair and I kind of want to grow it out again. But then, I also want to get a super short bob. Ahhh! What do you think? I knew it. The moment I cut my hair past my shoulders, I would just keep cutting and cutting. The only thing keeping me from cutting my hair real short (like in high school) is the fact that I'm kind of chunkier now. And whenever I see pictures from high school, I can't help but think that I actually look like a boy! Hahaha!
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