One thing I missed about blogging circa 2000 ("I'm oooold... I'm like the crypt keeper!")? Surveys! I used to religiously answer Friday Five and loved answering all those year-end surveys.
This is the first time I'm reading about the Liebster Blog Award, but I'm thrilled to have been nominated by Richelle. Why? Because apparently liebster means favorite in German. Now from what everyone has been posting, I'm supposed to choose my favorite blogs that have a relatively small following (as in not The Sartorialist level siguro?) and have them answer 11 questions.
Here are the questions from Richelle:
01 Which fictional character you would like to date, and why?
A from Every Day! I just recently read it and fell in love. Obviously, it would be tough dating him, but I'll make it work somehow. Haha!
02 What is your top pet peeve?
People who brush their teeth in a public bathroom. I know you want your breath to smell fresh all day, every day, but people wash their hands, where you are depositing your tinga! s: Pop a breath mint and brush your teeth at home. Please.
03 If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be, and why?
Paris? I don't know. I've always been fascinated about the language, the food, the style. I've never been so I don't know if I'd actually like it, but it seems like it would be a good place to live in. (:
04 What did you have for lunch? Was it good?
Adobo flakes + adobo rice from the newly-opened Adobo Connection near the office. SOOO good! I can probably have it every day, haha! (Note: I actually answered this last Tuesday and only had time to finish the post and publish it today at 8 in the morning.)
05 What cancelled tv show(s) would you want to bring back and why?
So manyyy. Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies. I watched Wonderfalls years after it aired, but loved it all the same. From the same creator, I got too sad when Pushing Daisies could no longer be revived. Sadface. Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. Two of my favorite series! Still hoping for that Veronica Mars movie. Hello, buntis na si Kristen Bell!
06 What is your favorite mode of transportation?
Car! Although when I went to Singapore early this year, I did enjoy commuting. Haha! If we had a better system, I probably wouldn't mind taking the train to work.
07 What songs would make it to your “I’m stuck on an island with one mix tape/cd” (Yes, I know I’m old) playlist?
It would definitely have these 3 songs in there somewhere: "Every Day Is A Holiday (With You)" by Esthero, "Sleep All Day" by Jason Mraz, and "Comfortable" by John Mayer.
08 If you HAD to join a reality TV show (local or foreign) which one would it be?
Master Chef or Top Chef. Haha, feeling!
09 What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you what you planned to be when you were 9 years old?
I always answered, "doctor," to that question. Up until I found out I had to handle a corpse in med school, I really did want to become one. Then it eventually changed into a writer. I suppose I'm sort of a writer? But not exactly the kind I thought I would be.
10 Who is the crush (past or present) you are most embarrassed about?
I'm never embarrassed about any of my crushes, no matter how ridiculous!
11 I had a pretty good 2012. How was yours?
Surprisingly, this year has been pretty awesome. My motto was "eat well, travel often" apparently. Made it to three new places this year and I have a perpetual food baby from all the eating I've been doing. I'm hoping all the good vibes of 2012 will extend to next year!
So it's my turn to pick my Liebster 11: Mikko, Kaich, Stephie, Marla, Em, Patty, Nikki, Cecile, Tisha, Meanne, Noelle
No pressure if you don't want to participate, but here are my questions:
01 What was the best thing about today?
02 What's your ultimate favorite food to pig out on?
03 Name a song that you will never ever get tired of.
04 What's the best book you've read this month?
05 What are the first three websites you visit once you open your browser?
06 Tell me about your current favorite TV show.
07 What's one thing you'll never travel without?
08 Who's your style inspiration?
09 Top 3 items in your closet?
10 What's your all-time favorite movie?
11 What's one place you think people should visit at least once in their life?
This was super fun to do! I missed answering surveys and having a "blogging community." Haha!
Songs I Like: "Chapter" by Psapp
Don't make me a chapter
I want to be the whole of a book
Ten Things I'm Thankful For

♥ A new episode of my favorite TV shows.
♥ Hilarious Facebook comments.
♥ A weekend with friends.
♥ Sunday bake date with my cousins.
♥ Unlimited nachos with cheese and ranch!
♥ A good hair day.
♥ A great article from our contributors.
♥ Hearing an old song that I used to listen to all the time.
♥ A good piece of extra dark chocolate.
♥ Swiping off mascara with a piece of cotton ball at the end of a really long day.
Baker's Bites: Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting (VIDEO)
I helped out my cousin with her school project yesterday. She's supposed to come up with a baking demo on video for her class. So we made cupcakes! I couldn't resist making my own video. So amateur, I know. Haha! Can't wait how Shannon's video turns out. Hope her teacher likes it.
Don't forget to like Macy's Fields on Facebook!
Don't forget to like Macy's Fields on Facebook!
It Was Instant, It Was Magic, It Was Automatic
Music Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Wishful Wednesday
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
Tasty Tuesday
{ Tried the new TWG in Greenbelt 5 with my best friend and her husband. Pricey but it was a pleasant experience. Would love to go back for the Earl Grey & Chocolate macaron. So yummy! }
Wishful Wednesday
{ These black scalloped platform heels from Carmelletes ♥ I actually want the nude ones too. }
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
posted at
8:52 PM
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lisa congdon,
red lips,
songs I like,
swan dive,

Outside My Actual Job
There are days when I get lucky to step outside my actual job (which has got a lot to do with this website), and do something completely different. Well maybe not totally, but definitely something I don't usually do as a website editor.
My very first racket was for Yummy, a story on using coconut in different recipes. Former Candy fashion editor Shar assigned me and we shot everything in her house. I was sooo nervous, but got so kilig when I saw my name in the magazine. Actually, I'm still so amazed that I have a recipe page on their website. Imagine how excited I was when they asked me to be part of the panel for their big dessert issue two years ago (multiple exclamation points here). Crazy!
My other side jobs would be web-related features for our sister magazines. Haha! I think because I handle our magazine's website, people just assume that I would want to write about the Internet and everything related to it. Hehe! P.S. I can write about other topics too.
One of the major rackets I did was for the Team Azkals magazine last year. It was my first cover story (eep) and it just had to be with the Younghusband brothers (I had a huuuge crush on James when we first shot him for Candy years ago, wahaha!). Then add the fact that I have no sporty bone in my body. I managed to get through the interview part with the help of Mimi and Jo. And thank goodness for my brother, who's a football nut, I was able to understand all the terminology that popped up in my transcription. I was so happy to see the final layout when the pages were being proofed.
It's been a while since I've done an interview so I was actually thrilled when Liz of Yummy asked if I wanted to contribute for an issue. Of course I still got nervous, fumbled nervously through my questions, and had scary thoughts of the recorder conking out midway (must always remember to take notes!). I haven't written the article yet (hehe), but hopefully it'll come out okay. (:
Though I super love my job, I'm glad for all these extra things I get to do on the side. It keeps me from ever getting bored and I get to do stuff with the other magazines I like! Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
My very first racket was for Yummy, a story on using coconut in different recipes. Former Candy fashion editor Shar assigned me and we shot everything in her house. I was sooo nervous, but got so kilig when I saw my name in the magazine. Actually, I'm still so amazed that I have a recipe page on their website. Imagine how excited I was when they asked me to be part of the panel for their big dessert issue two years ago (multiple exclamation points here). Crazy!
My other side jobs would be web-related features for our sister magazines. Haha! I think because I handle our magazine's website, people just assume that I would want to write about the Internet and everything related to it. Hehe! P.S. I can write about other topics too.
One of the major rackets I did was for the Team Azkals magazine last year. It was my first cover story (eep) and it just had to be with the Younghusband brothers (I had a huuuge crush on James when we first shot him for Candy years ago, wahaha!). Then add the fact that I have no sporty bone in my body. I managed to get through the interview part with the help of Mimi and Jo. And thank goodness for my brother, who's a football nut, I was able to understand all the terminology that popped up in my transcription. I was so happy to see the final layout when the pages were being proofed.
It's been a while since I've done an interview so I was actually thrilled when Liz of Yummy asked if I wanted to contribute for an issue. Of course I still got nervous, fumbled nervously through my questions, and had scary thoughts of the recorder conking out midway (must always remember to take notes!). I haven't written the article yet (hehe), but hopefully it'll come out okay. (:
Though I super love my job, I'm glad for all these extra things I get to do on the side. It keeps me from ever getting bored and I get to do stuff with the other magazines I like! Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
posted at
9:56 PM
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team azkals,

Songs I Like: Fisher's "Mad Girl's Love Song"
Sylvia Plath's words, Fisher's music.
posted at
9:59 PM
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songs I like,
sylvia plath

Ten Things I'm Thankful For
♥ A pack of my favorite 3-in-1 coffee (my apologies to coffee connoisseurs out there!).
♥ A bottle of body wash on sale.
♥ Perfect blue winged liner.
♥ Impromptu plans and planned plans.
♥ Honesty, even if delayed.
♥ One of your favorite bands possibly coming to the city you live in.
♥ Booking everything for a shoot in a day, more than a week before your deadline!
♥ A glass of ice cold orange juice in the morning before I head out the door.
♥ Quiet time with my dad in Church on Saturday afternoons.
♥ A good laugh with friends that I happen to work with.
What are you grateful for these days? (:
Let Your Heart Be Light
Music Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Wishful Wednesday
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
Two weddings in March next year (one day after the other!). Time to think of what to wear.
* weekly-themed post adapted from That's Chic
Tasty Tuesday
{ Cheating on Nutella with this cheaper spread | Dinner of chicken inasal and a mound of chorizo rice before watching a movie about vampires and wolves, hehe }
Thoughtful Thursday
{ In love with Lisa Congdon's 365 Days of Hand Lettering }
Fashion Friday
Two weddings in March next year (one day after the other!). Time to think of what to wear.
* weekly-themed post adapted from That's Chic
A Fantasy
One of my favorite poems by Louise Glück. I miss writing.
I'll tell you something: every day
people are dying. And that's just the beginning.
Every day, in funeral homes, new widows are born,
new orphans. They sit with their hands folded,
trying to decide about this new life.
Then they're in the cemetery, some of them
for the first time. They're frightened of crying,
sometimes of not crying. Someone leans over,
tells them what to do next, which might mean
saying a few words, sometimes
throwing dirt in the open grave.
And after that, everyone goes back to the house,
which is suddenly full of visitors.
The widow sits on the couch, very stately,
so people line up to approach her,
sometimes take her hand, sometimes embrace her.
She finds something to say to everybody,
thanks them, thanks them for coming.
In her heart, she wants them to go away.
She wants to be back in the cemetery,
back in the sickroom, the hospital. She knows
it isn't possible. But it's her only hope,
the wish to move backward. And just a little,
not so far as the marriage, the first kiss.
I'll tell you something: every day
people are dying. And that's just the beginning.
Every day, in funeral homes, new widows are born,
new orphans. They sit with their hands folded,
trying to decide about this new life.
Then they're in the cemetery, some of them
for the first time. They're frightened of crying,
sometimes of not crying. Someone leans over,
tells them what to do next, which might mean
saying a few words, sometimes
throwing dirt in the open grave.
And after that, everyone goes back to the house,
which is suddenly full of visitors.
The widow sits on the couch, very stately,
so people line up to approach her,
sometimes take her hand, sometimes embrace her.
She finds something to say to everybody,
thanks them, thanks them for coming.
In her heart, she wants them to go away.
She wants to be back in the cemetery,
back in the sickroom, the hospital. She knows
it isn't possible. But it's her only hope,
the wish to move backward. And just a little,
not so far as the marriage, the first kiss.
posted at
7:59 PM
1 comment:
creative writing,
louise glück,

Songs I Like: "My Favourite Book" by Stars
When news broke that Stars was coming to Manila, I was thrilled! When the band asked for their fans from Asia to email them their names + where they're from, I totally emailed them, thinking maybe that would be one chance to get them to come here. It was more than a year ago, and obviously they haven't gone to the Philippines since then. But if it's true, see you in February! (:
posted at
9:28 AM
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songs I like,

Everyday Makeup, Part 2
I've been staring at numbers in the office all day, and I think I'm entitled to a little bit of kakikayan. Haha! I posted something similar a year ago and though my routine is basically the same, a lot of products have changed.
I wash my face in the shower with a deep pore control cleansing foam. I got this as a sample from work and liked it so much that I'm already on my third tube. I'm currently using an anti-shine gel since I liked Neutrogena's version (but it was too pricey, hehe). My only worry is that it doesn't have SPF. Haven't used powder or BB cream in a looong time, but I've been using an eye primer/brightener almost every day. I love it! I got myself an eye brow pencil in brown because before this, I was only using my mom's old M&S one. Haha! I probably shouldn't have since it's super old. I only fill in the inner part of my brows since that's the only part that really needs, well, to be filled out. I usually stop at this point and just curl my lashes and swipe on a coat of mascara. But if I'm feeling extra arte (or I woke up earlier than usual), I'll try and put some eye makeup on. My cousin brought home this palette for me and I love it! I'll finish off with some blush and a little lip balm. On days when I like a little bit of color, I'll put on a lip balm stain (I have one in an orangey tone and another one in a bright pink).
I finally found a shade of red for me! Two to be precise: Tony Moly Real Red and Maybelline Very Cherry. (:
I wash my face in the shower with a deep pore control cleansing foam. I got this as a sample from work and liked it so much that I'm already on my third tube. I'm currently using an anti-shine gel since I liked Neutrogena's version (but it was too pricey, hehe). My only worry is that it doesn't have SPF. Haven't used powder or BB cream in a looong time, but I've been using an eye primer/brightener almost every day. I love it! I got myself an eye brow pencil in brown because before this, I was only using my mom's old M&S one. Haha! I probably shouldn't have since it's super old. I only fill in the inner part of my brows since that's the only part that really needs, well, to be filled out. I usually stop at this point and just curl my lashes and swipe on a coat of mascara. But if I'm feeling extra arte (or I woke up earlier than usual), I'll try and put some eye makeup on. My cousin brought home this palette for me and I love it! I'll finish off with some blush and a little lip balm. On days when I like a little bit of color, I'll put on a lip balm stain (I have one in an orangey tone and another one in a bright pink).
I finally found a shade of red for me! Two to be precise: Tony Moly Real Red and Maybelline Very Cherry. (:
posted at
10:16 PM
daily routine,
picture post,
urban decay

It's Been A While But I Still Feel The Same
Music Monday
First heard this on The Vampire Diaries. Absolutely love Ed Sheeran's voice!
Tasty Tuesday
Wishful Wednesday
Looking for a pair of white sneakers to replace the kacheaps (wala pa atang P200!) one I bought from the department store a few years ago, haha!
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
An attempt at chronicling what I wear every day. No reason, I'm just obsessive about things like this. Haha! I stopped for about five months, though. Let's see what happens the rest of the year.
* weekly-themed post adapted from That's Chic
First heard this on The Vampire Diaries. Absolutely love Ed Sheeran's voice!
Tasty Tuesday
{ Really good Fita Tiramisu from Pino }
Looking for a pair of white sneakers to replace the kacheaps (wala pa atang P200!) one I bought from the department store a few years ago, haha!
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
An attempt at chronicling what I wear every day. No reason, I'm just obsessive about things like this. Haha! I stopped for about five months, though. Let's see what happens the rest of the year.
* weekly-themed post adapted from That's Chic
13 Going On 30
Right before I turned 25, I was a mess. I was insecure, afraid, and didn't know if I was where I was supposed to be. But I've come to realize that you can't compare yourself to others or pattern your life after someone else's. And I think that's why I've been more carefree and have finally let go of worrying about what people think. I'll live my life the way I know best. (:
Who knew that at 30 I would...
♥ Still love my job the way I did almost 7 years ago.
♥ Flail over Nick Jonas, Logan Lerman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and One Direction with the same intensity? HAHA!
♥ Work on 3 books and a fan magazine.
♥ Contribute to a house that my brothers and I work very hard for.
♥ Welcome my third decade at a veggie resto (loved my salubong at Pipino, where Patty took this photo of me).
♥ Be okay with not having some grand celebration and instead take time to be with people I love.
♥ Learn to know when it's time to let go—of things, of people, of issues.
I'm really excited about this new year in my life. I can feel something big is just waiting for me around the corner. (:
Who knew that at 30 I would...
♥ Still love my job the way I did almost 7 years ago.
♥ Flail over Nick Jonas, Logan Lerman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and One Direction with the same intensity? HAHA!
♥ Work on 3 books and a fan magazine.
♥ Contribute to a house that my brothers and I work very hard for.
♥ Welcome my third decade at a veggie resto (loved my salubong at Pipino, where Patty took this photo of me).
♥ Be okay with not having some grand celebration and instead take time to be with people I love.
♥ Learn to know when it's time to let go—of things, of people, of issues.
I'm really excited about this new year in my life. I can feel something big is just waiting for me around the corner. (:
How Did You Find Me Here?
Music Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Wishful Wednesday
Who knew I'd ever complete this baking wishlist I did in 2008? I still have a lot of dreams that are bound to come true. And I'm pretty sure they will at the right time. (:
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
* weekly-themed post adapted from That's Chic
Tasty Tuesday
Wishful Wednesday
Who knew I'd ever complete this baking wishlist I did in 2008? I still have a lot of dreams that are bound to come true. And I'm pretty sure they will at the right time. (:
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
* weekly-themed post adapted from That's Chic
Passion Project: Polished
Right after we released The Friendship Bracelet Book, I was already drawing ideas for the second Berry Books release. This time, it was Mimi who would be the EIC and I would be the "creative editor," (Mimi coined this position, hehe) also known as the person in charge of thinking up nail art designs. I had a tiny notepad where I drew imaginary nails and penciled in patterns. I was to come up with at least 50 designs. I didn't think it was possible until we eventually had 52!
We shot everything in two days. This resulted in a mess of polish and polish remover and fumes-induced headaches.
My boss Mimichoo (making a face!), photographer Patrick Martires, and hand model + cover model Alecx.
Mim is putting on base coat on our other hand model, Trixie, our poor intern we forced to model for us. HAHAHA!
Missing hand model: Miss Lazatin!
I wish The Face Shop would sell more of these pens in other colors. They only currently have white, black, and silver. If you don't have a nail art pen, though, you can totally still do the designs with a thin paintbrush or a toothpick.
Some of my favorite patterns that came out oh so nicely in the book.
Please grab a copy (if you haven't already!) for only P150. It comes with 4 free polish bottles in Blue Me Away, White A Minute, Orange You Glad, and Pink-A-Boo. It's a great stocking stuffer for kids and adults alike.
We shot everything in two days. This resulted in a mess of polish and polish remover and fumes-induced headaches.
My boss Mimichoo (making a face!), photographer Patrick Martires, and hand model + cover model Alecx.
Mim is putting on base coat on our other hand model, Trixie, our poor intern we forced to model for us. HAHAHA!
Missing hand model: Miss Lazatin!
I wish The Face Shop would sell more of these pens in other colors. They only currently have white, black, and silver. If you don't have a nail art pen, though, you can totally still do the designs with a thin paintbrush or a toothpick.
Some of my favorite patterns that came out oh so nicely in the book.
Please grab a copy (if you haven't already!) for only P150. It comes with 4 free polish bottles in Blue Me Away, White A Minute, Orange You Glad, and Pink-A-Boo. It's a great stocking stuffer for kids and adults alike.
posted at
1:25 PM
No comments:
berry books,
nail art,
nail polish,

One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite shows. Say a prayer for all your loved ones who have passed. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
I Try DIY Craft Huddle: Paper Folding
I always hover around the origami paper section in Saizen,but never really buy because my origami skills are very basic. I used to be so jealous of my classmates in grade school who could turn paper bills into polo shirts or hearts (like magic!). I could make a paper boat, if I remembered the right order of folding. Haha!
So when one of Mikko's Craft Huddles—the paper folding one!—fell on a holiday, I took it as a sign. I headed over to Harvest in The Fort that afternoon, excited over the thought that I'd be coming home with some paper folding skillz.
First up: choose your paper. Mix had a ton of pretty paper! I couldn't decide which ones to get. Look at all those pretty patterns!
Our first project was the paper wallet. She actually did a tutorial for this on You can totally make this and stuff with a few 20-peso bills for your godkids!
Tried making one on my own (had to ask for help, though!) the second time around. Not too shabby, right?
Next: a box! We had to choose paper with matching prints. I got cupcake-themed ones. So cute!
We made the base first.
And then the lid. I didn't put enough allowance in my folds so the lid was kind of too small for my base. Whoops!
Paper bags that don't need glue or tape! All they're missing are handles and your gift bag is ready.
This box was my favorite. A bit hard to make (I'm not entirely sure I can recreate it on my own without troubleshooting from Mikko) but it looks so nice! It's like a box within a box. Very fancy, haha.
Pillow boxes for tiny trinkets like earrings or bracelets. Here's a link to the tutorial in case you want to try making them on your own.
My happy family of paper products. I have yet to sit down and attempt to make another batch without help, but this will make gift wrapping for Christmas fun!
Want to learn more holiday crafts? Head on over to I Try DIY for the November schedule of Craft Huddles (I'm personally eying the Craft of the Card next!).
So when one of Mikko's Craft Huddles—the paper folding one!—fell on a holiday, I took it as a sign. I headed over to Harvest in The Fort that afternoon, excited over the thought that I'd be coming home with some paper folding skillz.
First up: choose your paper. Mix had a ton of pretty paper! I couldn't decide which ones to get. Look at all those pretty patterns!
Our first project was the paper wallet. She actually did a tutorial for this on You can totally make this and stuff with a few 20-peso bills for your godkids!
Tried making one on my own (had to ask for help, though!) the second time around. Not too shabby, right?
Next: a box! We had to choose paper with matching prints. I got cupcake-themed ones. So cute!
We made the base first.
And then the lid. I didn't put enough allowance in my folds so the lid was kind of too small for my base. Whoops!
Paper bags that don't need glue or tape! All they're missing are handles and your gift bag is ready.
This box was my favorite. A bit hard to make (I'm not entirely sure I can recreate it on my own without troubleshooting from Mikko) but it looks so nice! It's like a box within a box. Very fancy, haha.
Pillow boxes for tiny trinkets like earrings or bracelets. Here's a link to the tutorial in case you want to try making them on your own.
My happy family of paper products. I have yet to sit down and attempt to make another batch without help, but this will make gift wrapping for Christmas fun!
Want to learn more holiday crafts? Head on over to I Try DIY for the November schedule of Craft Huddles (I'm personally eying the Craft of the Card next!).
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