What happened to me?

Chopped off my locks—twice!

Painted my nails 3 different shades.

Had Pumpkin Ravioli and Banana Amaretto French Toast from Borough in Podium. So good. I can't wait to go back.

Got a few gifts from friends. <3

Went on 2 weekend getaways with the lolas. (:
I thought I had completely recharged myself but as soon as I got back from the beach, my throat was scratchy and my nose was dripping. Ugh. After a weekend of working, I decided to stay home today and rest. But because I can't seem to help it, I keep refreshing my office email just in case I need to send something to someone. How's that for fake leave?
Still, I'm looking forward to another working weekend. Just need to get better so I can enjoy it!